"Nothing is ever really lost, or can be lost. No birth, identity, form - no object of the world. Nor life, nor force, nor any visible thing. Appearance must not foil, nor shifted sphere confuse thy brain. Ample are time and space - ample the fields of Nature..."
Walt Whitman
The word metamorphie is a neologism, it derives from the Greek "metamorphosis", composed of "meta" (beyond) and "morphé" (shape) literally means: beyond the shape. metamorphie is a container in which my expressive forms converge, mainly image and sound. Metamorphosis therefore, is the transition from one form to another, a material that becomes something else by itself... Are objects consumed by time, old surfaces, rusty iron. Vegetable matter, leaves, stones, shells. Mine is a process of transformation that generates new "imaginary worlds". The result is a combination of pictorial-photographic analogic rendering and digital processing. For the sound the process is similar, it's like composing a painting, every sound that intertwines arises from microphone recording of the guitars only. All sampled modules and loops are of acoustic origin, only wood and strings...
- Il percorso artistico di Paolo Traverso, da anni ormai si sta sviluppando in diverse discipline artistiche contemporaneamente. l'indagine in progress di ogni ambiente con il quale si misura fa pensare a quella di Harry Smith, genialoide dell'America pre-beat, scienziato esoterico-artigianale, inventore di apparecchiature per la proiezione in pellicola, film-maker, fotografo, pittore, antropologo. Tale vocazione sperimentale mista ad artigianalità si libera passando dalla multimedialità alla tradizione analogica, campi che spesso l'artista riesce a far dialogare. -
Da "materiali di un sogno" a cura di Luciano Neri (Ciminiera, Italia 2005)
- Paolo Traverso’s artistic path has been developing for years into different artistic disciplines at the same time. The ‘in progress’ research of each environment with which he tackles recalls Harry Smith, artful figure of pre-beat America, esoteric artisan-scientist, inventor of equipment for film projection, film-maker, photograph, painter, anthropologist. This experimental vocation, mixed with artistry, is palpable from multimedia to the analog tradition, and the artist succeeds in bringing all the fields into dialogue. -
From “materiali di un sogno” by Luciano Neri (Ciminiera, Italy 2005)
Paolo Traverso was born in Genoa in 1971. Visual artist and musician, he began with a traditional training in the fields of image and sound (diploma at Liceo Artistico Statale "Paul Klee" in Genoa, workshop on History of Photography at "Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti", music harmony and classical guitar groundwork). Then he undertook a personal journey that led him over the years to bring together into one form his various artistic paths. The artisanship that has always accompanied his research, led him to experiment and to "play with his material". Often putting in place tools or methods in order to achieve the intended results. Today in his work, in fact, image and sound, analog and digital are integrated naturally to the final poetic work, in an endless research.
In the field of IMAGE
He starts from the drawing and continues with the traditional photo shooting on photographic film, to printing in black and white, through the study of the first craft printing late '800 techniques. To arrive to the current forms of image processing, he developed a method called "metamorphie". In this process, sound, image and animation often coexist.
metamorphie method - from found objects to creation of images
metamorphie gallery
In the field of SOUND
As a guitarist-composer, he has composed soundtracks for documentarys, theater, dance theater and cinema.
He has performed in Italy and abroad, in groups and as a soloist. He has published several albums for national and international labels, and collaborated in studio and live with musicians from different countries.
For some performances, he has conceived and built the musical instruments that he played in concert and in studio. For most of his work, he also recorded the audio himself.
Sound process - original soundtrack for a short film